Dyneema cord with a thickness of 1.5 mm, extra supple in the colour white for use in wind-resistant screens equipped with a tensioned cord system. Read more.
Dyneema 1.5 white cord for use in windproof screens fitted with a tensioned cord system.
When replacing the cord of a Cordlock screen, it is important to replace both sides at the same time to ensure trouble-free operation of the windproof screen.
The length of Cord Dyneema required for each guide (side) is theoretically calculated as twice the height of the windproof screen, plus 1.5 times the width of the screen, with an extra metre for safety. As a rule of thumb, 20 metres is enough to replace both cords for a single windproof screen.
An important consideration when replacing the Cord is a thorough inspection of all pivot points and wheels. Make sure they are in optimal condition and can move freely. Blocked wheels can lead to faster Cord wear.