Nice Era Plus M tube motor with push-button limit switch, integrated receiver and TTBus technology, suitable for Roller shutters and blinds, minimum tube Ø 50 mm Read more.
Easy adjustment of the limit switch using push-button adjustment and via the hand-held transmitter or the external programming units O-View TT and TTPRO. If an error is made during adjustment, programming starts again from the previous level without reprogramming all settings programmed up to that point. Thanks to Nice TTBus 3-wire technology, the tubular motor can be controlled by low-voltage, simple and intuitive wired connection to climate sensors without an external control box or Handheld transmitter. The built-in circuit board allows several motors to be connected in parallel and controlled from a single control point without the need for a control box.
- successor to the Nice NeoPlus M series
- if you used the Nice Ergo with the NeoPlusM series, you can continue to use it
- Nice M series tubular motor with a diameter of Ø 45 mm
- suitable for Roller shutters and blinds
- mechanical end adjustment with push buttons
- tubular motor is fitted with an integrated receiver
- supplied without motor support and adapter set
- tubular motor 230 V/50 Hz
- speed 12 rpm and 17 rpm
- available in 8 to 50 Nm
- 6-core white cable with a length of 2.5 metres
- tubular motor fits in tube with a minimum inner diameter of 50 mm
- not suitable for continuous use - low consumption in stand-by mode
Type Nice Era Plus M tube motors:
- Nice Era Plus M 8 - 8 Nm - 17 rpm - length 426 mm
- Nice Era Plus M 15 - 15 Nm - 17 rpm - length 451 mm
- Nice Era Plus M 30 - 30 Nm - 17 rpm - length 486 mm
- Nice Era Plus M 40 - 40 Nm - 12 rpm - length 486 mm
- Nice Era Plus M 50 - 50 Nm - 12 rpm - length 486 mm
Need a new tube motor for old type which starts with NM and ends with the letters PP.
- NM15000PP - Neo Plus M 8/16 --> Nice Era Plus M 8
- NM28000PP - Neo Plus M 15/16 --> Nice Era Plus M 15
- NM46000PP - Neo Plus M 25/16 --> Nice Era Plus M 30
- NM56000PP - Neo Plus M 30/16 --> Nice Era Plus M 30
- NM65000PP - Neo Plus M 35/12 --> Nice Era Plus M 40
- NM90000PP - Neo Plus M 45/12 --> Nice Era Plus M 50
- NM93000PP - Neo Plus M 50/12 --> Nice Era Plus M 50